Subcutaneous Tissue Swelling and Prolonged Edema: Unexpected Outcomes of the Disinfection Through Octenidine Dihydrochloride (Octenisept)
Wound management in the pediatric age commonly deals with penetrating injuries, involving a range of structures, such as skin, blood vessels, bones, nerves, tendons and joints. Octenidine dihydrochloride (Octenisept) is an antiseptic agent for disinfection of acute or chronic wounds. Its broad spectrum efficacy has been a key factor to spread its utilization in many outpatient clinics. This paper reports on the outcomes of the use of Octenisept to treat prolonged edema and tissue swelling of deep wounds in three children, aged between 3 and 8 years old. The underlying physiopathological mechanism remains unclear. All patients presented a full recovery of the problem at 6 months of the incident and no late complications or disabilities were associated. We recommend not irrigating octenidine dihydrochloride in any complex or penetrating wounds.
Int J Clin Pediatr. 2022;11(1):9-13