International Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, ISSN 1927-1255 print, 1927-1263 online, Open Access
Article copyright, the authors; Journal compilation copyright, Int J Clin Pediatr and Elmer Press Inc
Journal website

Original Article

Volume 13, Number 3, December 2024, pages 73-85

Feeding Behaviors Among Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder


Figure 1.
Figure 1. Feeding difficulty classification among patients (BAMBI, n = 341). BAMBI: Brief Autism Mealtime Behavior Inventory.
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Feeding difficulty classification among patients (MCH-FS, n = 341). MCH-FS: Montreal Children’s Hospital Feeding Scale.


Table 1. Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics of the Sample (N = 341)
CharacteristicsN (%)
Y: year; M: month; SCI: social communication interaction; RRB: repetitive, restricting behavior; BMI: body mass index; RM: Malaysian ringgit.
  1Y - 1Y 11M1 (0.3%)
  2Y - 2Y 11M48 (14.1%)
  3Y - 3Y 11M56 (16.4%)
  4Y - 4Y 11M65 (19.1%)
  5Y - 5Y 11M65 (19.1%)
  6Y - 6Y 11M106 (31.1%)
  Male241 (70.7%)
  Female100 (29.3%)
  Malay229 (67.2%)
  Chinese57 (16.7%)
  Indian55 (16.1%)
BMI categories by percentile
  Underweight86 (25.2%)
  Normal197 (57.8%)
  Overweight27 (7.9%)
  Obese31 (9.1%)
  129 (8.5%)
  2266 (78.0%)
  346 (13.5%)
  1152 (44.6%)
  2185 (54.3%)
  34 (1.2%)
Paternal age category
  20 - 30 years42 (12.3%)
  31 - 40 years231 (67.7%)
  41 - 50 years62 (18.2%)
  More than 50 years6 (1.8%)
Father’s education
  Primary education3 (0.9%)
  Secondary education94 (27.6%)
  Diploma80 (23.5%)
  Bachelor’s degree129 (37.8%)
  Master’s degree35 (10.3%)
Maternal age category
  20 - 30 years46 (13.5%)
  31 - 40 years248 (72.7%)
  41 - 50 years44 (12.9%)
  More than 50 years3 (0.9%)
Mother’s education
  Primary education3 (0.9%)
  Secondary education76 (22.3%)
  Diploma96 (28.2%)
  Bachelor’s degree132 (38.7%)
  Master’s degree34 (10.0%)
Total monthly income
  Less than RM 3,00024 (7.0%)
  RM 3,000 - 5,00083 (24.3%)
  RM 5,000 - 10,000126 (37.0%)
  RM 10,000 - 15,00085 (24.9%)
  RM 15,000 - 20,00011 (3.2%)
  More than RM 20,00012 (3.5%)
Relationship of respondent
  Parent243 (71.3%)
  Other relative96 (28.2%)
  Caregiver2 (0.6%)


Table 2. BAMBI Results With Comparison to Populations of Different Ethnicity
StudiesThis studyKang et al [11]Gray et al [19]Lukens et al [15]Lukens et al [15]
Values are presented as means (SD). Significance was denoted as *P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01. Differences were assessed with two-sample t-test for BAMBI scores compared between groups. BAMBI: Brief Autism Mealtime Behavior Inventory; SD: standard deviation; ASD: autism spectrum disorder.
Age1 - 6 years 11 months1 - 7 years3 - 12 years3 - 11 years3 - 11 years
RaceMalaysian (current study)Asian (Singapore)Chinese AmericanPredominantly White AmericanPredominantly White American
Developmental conditionASDASDASDASDTypical developing
Total score41.46 (11.62)40.8 (9.1)43.59 (11.91)49.05 (10.33)**32.50 (8.59)**
Limited variety22.36 (6.68)20.7 (5.3)23.17 (6.61)27.61 (6.79)**17.83 (5.65)**
Food refusal9.49 (4.12)11.2 (3.3)9.33 (3.63)10.36 (3.74)6.93 (2.77)**
Features of autism9.61 (3.53)8.8 (3.4)11.09 (3.44)*11.07 (3.49)**7.75 (1.66)*


Table 3. Comparison of MCH-FS Questionnaire Item Scores Across Different Populations
ItemThis study (mean ± SD)Benjasunwatep et al [18] (mean ± SD)Ramsay et al [1] (mean ± SD)van Dijk [9] (mean ± SD)
SD: standard deviation; MCH-FS: Montreal Children’s Hospital Feeding Scale.
PopulationMalaysian clinical sample (1 - 6 years 11 months)Thai children (1 - 4 years)Canadian clinical sample (6 months - 6 years 11 months)Dutch clinical sample (1 - 6 years)
M13.20 ± 1.702.65 ± 1.845.30 ± 1.533.99 (1.47)
M23.76 ± 2.002.94 ± 2.035.49 ± 1.592.67 (1.72)
M32.91 ± 1.482.68 ± 1.684.60 ± 1.513.47 (1.29)
M44.02 ± 2.322.75 ± 1.805.42 ± 1.674.90 (2.06)
M52.83 ± 1.272.25 ± 1.753.57 ± 1.842.44 (1.30)
M63.07 ± 1.682.63 ± 1.654.60 ± 1.803.15 (1.47)
M72.88 ± 1.632.32 ± 1.704.02 ± 2.042.66 (1.87)
M82.78 ± 1.962.62 ± 1.973.55 ± 2.082.45 (1.80)
M93.54 ± 2.133.30 ± 2.104.91 ± 2.163.10 (1.65)
M103.17 ± 1.932.64 ± 1.884.64 ± 2.042.84 (1.65)
M112.43 ± 1.821.49 ± 1.093.32 ± 2.093.31 (1.67)
M122.94 ± 1.762.15 ± 1.544.14 ± 2.052.45 (1.92)
M132.88 ± 1.851.87 ± 1.433.37 ± 1.892.10 (1.44)
M142.91 ± 1.851.76 ± 1.463.56 ± 1.992.50 (1.78)
Total43.32 ± 14.7434.01 ± 13.6560.48 ± 13.0439.96 (12.52)


Table 4. Cross-Tabulation of SCI With Feeding Difficulty Classification (BAMBI)
SCINo feeding difficulty (raw score < 34)Feeding difficulty (raw score 34 and above)Total
Chi-square tests: Pearson Chi-square: 0.520, df = 2, P = 0.771; Fisher’s exact test: P = 0.802. BAMBI: Brief Autism Mealtime Behavior Inventory; SCI: social communication interaction.
17 (24.1%)22 (75.9%)29
275 (28.2%)191 (71.8%)266
311 (23.9%)35 (76.1%)46
Total93 (27.3%)248 (72.7%)341


Table 5. Cross-Tabulation of RRB With Feeding Difficulty Classification (BAMBI)
RRBNo feeding difficulty (raw score < 34)Feeding difficulty (raw score 34 and above)Total
Chi-square tests: Pearson Chi-square: 6.470, df = 2, P = 0.039; Fisher’s exact test: P = 0.040. BAMBI: Brief Autism Mealtime Behavior Inventory; RRB: repetitive, restrictive behavior.
151 (33.6%)101 (66.4%)152
242 (22.7%)143 (77.3%)185
30 (0.0%)4 (100.0%)4
Total93 (27.3%)248 (72.7%)341


Table 6. Cross-Tabulation of SCI With Feeding Difficulty Classification (MCH-FS)
SCINot having difficulty raw score 45 and belowHaving difficulty raw score > 45Total
Chi-Square tests: Pearson Chi-square: 0.571, df = 2, P = 0.752; Fisher’s exact test: P = 0.789. SCI: social communication interaction; MCH-FS: Montreal Children’s Hospital Feeding Scale.
118 (62.1%)11 (37.9%)29
2146 (54.9%)120 (45.1%)266
325 (54.3%)21 (45.7%)46
Total189 (55.4%)152 (44.6%)341


Table 7. Cross-Tabulation of RRB With Feeding Difficulty Classification (MCH-FS)
RRBNot having difficulty raw score 45 and belowHaving difficulty raw score > 45Total
Chi-square tests results: Pearson Chi-square: value = 6.568, df = 2, P = 0.037; Fisher’s exact test: P = 0.026. Two cells (33.3%) have an expected count less than 5, which influences the test’s validity, and it is likely why Fisher’s exact test is also presented. RRB: repetitive, restrictive behavior; MCH-FS: Montreal Children’s Hospital Feeding Scale.
195 (62.5%)57 (37.5%)152
293 (50.3%)92 (49.7%)185
31 (25.0%)3 (75.0%)4
Total189 (55.4%)152 (44.6%)341


Table 8. Comparison Between Normal and Underweight ASD Children With Overweight and Obese ASD Children Based on Domains of BAMBI and MCH-FS
Factor/domainNormal and underweight (n = 283), median (IQR)Overweight and obese (n = 58), median (IQR)P value
Median values are accompanied by the IQR in parentheses. P values are derived from the Mann-Whitney U test comparing the normal and underweight group with the overweight and obese group across various factors and domains. Statistically significant differences (P < 0.05) are noted. IQR: interquartile range. BAMBI: Brief Autism Mealtime Behavior Inventory; ASD: autism spectrum disorder; MCH-FS: Montreal Children’s Hospital Feeding Scale.
BAMBI and domains
  BAMBI total score40.00 (16)43.00 (15)0.034
  1) Limited variety22.00 (11)25.50 (9)0.003
  2) Food refusal8.00 (6)8.50 (5)0.844
  3) Features of autism9.00 (5)10.00 (5)0.343
MCH and domains
  MCH total score43.00 (21)38.00 (24)0.072
  1) Parental concern10.00 (6)7.50 (8)0.007
  2) Family reaction6.00 (6)4.00 (6)0.149
  3) Compensatory strategy10.00 (6)8.00 (6)0.018
  4) Appetite7.00 (4)8.00 (5)0.871
  5) Mealtime behavior6.00 (5)6.00 (5)0.679
  6) Oral sensory6.00 (5)6.00 (5)0.594
  7) Oral motor5.00 (6)4.50 (6)0.918


Table 9. Crosstabulation of Feeding Difficulty Classification on BAMBI and MCH-FS
Feeding difficulty classification (BAMBI) vs. (MCH)Reported no feeding difficulty (raw score < 45)Reported having difficulty (raw score > 45)Total
BAMBI: Brief Autism Mealtime Behavior Inventory; MCH-FS: Montreal Children’s Hospital Feeding Scale.
Reported no feeding difficulty (raw score < 34)83 (43.9%)10 (6.6%)93 (27.3%)
Reported feeding difficulty (raw score > 34)106 (56.1%)142 (93.4%)248 (72.7%)
Total189 (100.0%)152 (100.0%)341 (100.0%)