International Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, ISSN 1927-1255 print, 1927-1263 online, Open Access
Article copyright, the authors; Journal compilation copyright, Int J Clin Pediatr and Elmer Press Inc
Journal website

Original Article

Volume 12, Number 1, May 2023, pages 3-10

Parental Perceptions Regarding Prescription Opioid Use for Pain Control in Children Following Orthopedic Surgery


Figure 1.
Figure 1. Copy of the RedCap survey completed by parents during their children’s preoperative stay in the surgery unit.
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Demonstration of parental comfort with intraoperative and postoperative opioid administration (a) and specific concerns expressed regarding opioid use (b).
Figure 3.
Figure 3. General opioid knowledge from the survey including most appropriate way to store opioids.
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Parental responses regarding appropriate techniques for the disposal of unused opioid medications following surgery.
Figure 5.
Figure 5. Parental responses as to their perception on how difficult it would be for their children to acquire opioids for illicit use.
Figure 6.
Figure 6. Parental perception as to from whom their children might acquire opioids for illicit use.


Table 1. Patient Demographic Data
aData are missing from two patients. SD: standard deviation.
Child’s age (mean ± SD)11.3 ± 4.2
Child’s age (median: Q1, Q3)13.0: 8.0, 15.0
Gender female/male63/60a


Table 2. Demographic Data of Guardian or Parent Completing Surveya
Number (%)
aNumbers may not total the study cohort number of 125 due to unanswered questions. Percentages are calculated based on number answering the specific question.
Relationship to child
  Father26 (21.1)
  Grandparent5 (4.1)
  Legal guardian4 (3.3)
  Mother88 (71.5)
Marital status
  Divorced or separated16 (13.1)
  Married or domestic partner81 (66.4)
  Single, never married25 (20.5)
Highest degree of education
  Advanced degree23 (19.0)
  Bachelor’s degree16 (13.2)
  Between high school and college58 (47.9)
  High school graduate, diploma, or equivalent21 (17.4)
  Some high school, no diploma3 (2.5)
Employment status
  Employed for wages85 (69.7)
  Not working8 (6.6)
  Out of work and looking for work2 (1.6)
  Self-employed12 (9.8)
  Stay at home parent14 (11.5)
  Student1 (0.8)
Self-identified race or ethnicity
  Asian2 (1.7)
  Black or African American13 (10.7)
  Multiracial3 (2.5)
  White103 (85.1)
Ethnicity, Hispanic (yes/no)
  No117 (97.5)
  Yes3 (2.5)
Primary language spoken at home
  English118 (98.3)
  Other2 (1.7)